Becoming a Member-Owner


The employees and directors of Consolidated Electric Cooperative would like to welcome you as a new member. If you are not familiar with electric cooperatives, please take a moment to learn what your membership means.

To assist you as you begin your membership process, we have our membership applications available online.

Click here to download a residential Membership Application you can print to complete and return to our office. PLEASE NOTE: The application needs to be completed in full and a clear copy of a driver's license should be included for each applicant.

If you are already an active member with Consolidated Electric Cooperative and would like to add service for another account location, download the Existing Member Service Agreement to ensure we have your most current information on file.

Members operating businesses can also download Business Membership Applications to begin their membership process. PLEASE NOTE: Business applications must be notarized.

Membership fees and additional deposits will need to be discussed with our Consumer Services Clerk before the electricity can be turned on for your service. Please contact our office at 573-581-3630 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to complete your membership.